Who’d have thought I’d be quoting Shakespeare here? Or Hair, if you must? On Halloween?
This is a sketch I made at a convention a couple of years ago and never came around to finishing. Until today, which, this being Halloween and all, almost looks as if I’d planned this or something…
Consider this a first sign of, uh, life after a break that was never intended to be this long. I’m currently working on a brand new Conny Van Ehlsing adventure to kick off the new ‘season’, and I’ve got some Gate Crash posts lined up, too. Scheduling will remain sketchy, though, for the time being. I’ve got a lot of commission work, both words and pictures, on my plate that need a lot of attention and will probably keep me busy for the rest of the year. So I’ll update whenever I can, but I can’t promise it’ll be weekly. I’ll try to keep Conny’s story as regular as I can, though.
Apologies for the inconvenience. If you want to keep in touch, I recommend following this site’s RSS feed or one of my social profiles up in the corner of this page.
Okay, and now to get that stupid Hair song out of my head…