
All texts and images and stuff:
©2010-2018 Dreadful Gate Productions, Bremen, Germany. (Except where noted.) (Also, see below.)

Contact info:

V.i.S.d.P. usw. Christian Vaehling, Bremen, Germany
(You can print this card, for your reference.)

Contact Form


Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dreadful Gate Comics by Max Vähling is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Clarification: Feel free to use any content (except for the content that’s noted as not mine) for your own private and/or noncommercial endeavors. I reserve the right to determine what’s non-commercial, but I’m pretty lenient. (For example, ads don’t matter. Size may.) For commercial use, or if in doubt, please ask.


All third-party content was included with explicit permission or in accordance with the license it was published under. All links and other references were included with best intentions and in accordance with German laws. If any linked-to content has changed for the worse since, please notify me. I’ll check it and, if necessary, adjust or delete the link.


I don’t even want your data! Oh, wait, that’s not enough? Okay, read more here.