Real-Life Villains

Okay, I can handle the explosions and the contraptions that are supposed to kill the hero but always give him just enough time for a narrow escape and the women who keep falling into his lap even though he’s kind of a dick (no pun intended), but have any of the people responsible for those […]

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 Mimicry Trickery

So, there’s this soccer championship that’s about to start tomorrow, right? Is this a good time to share this little comic I made last year, then? To go with the competitive championship theme, I even submitted it to a few contests, but apparently this isn’t what the contest-makers had in mind for a soccer comic…

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 Uh, super?

This is a cartoon I drew for Superman’s 75th anniversary a while back. I didn’t publish it here back then because I didn’t want to interrupt the ongoing Codename: Olga storyline. I did post it to my Tumblr, but some of you may have missed it there, so I’m running it again today, now that […]

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 The Rising

That Dreadful Movie Pitch experiment last week? Somehow I kept on doing that, noting a hacky film idea erery day, some deliciously lousy, some actually quite good (Hollywood? Just drop me a mail, will you?), some with potential, although not necessarily movie potential. Today, I came up with a Lovecraftian buddy cop movie. No idea […]

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 Graphic What?

This has been burning on my mind for quite a while now. The graphic novel hype is still in full swing in Germany, and while nobody really wants to alienate the comics fans, sometimes the Graphic Novel hypists get taken away by their arguments about wider thematic range and more diverse audiences they claim they […]

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