… Until I’ve had time to actually write it. Really, it was either that or deliver a crappy page that doesn’t advance the story. And yes, in the light of last week’s post this means I’ve now used up all the non-essential actvities to cut down on, leaving only the essential ones. I’ve decided this […]
Useful Knowledge, lesson 2
Again, apologies for not getting all the editing done. Thing is, I’m just now preparing the third Conny Van Ehlsing album for print, and while I’m doing that, all non-essential works must wait. While I still consider getting a weekly Conny page out essential, greyshading the page isn’t really.
Useful Knowledge p. 1
Once more I apologize for not being able to finish the grayscales in time, but that’s webcomics for you – it’s as close to live as comics get! It feels like ages that I’ve last featured Conny’s school in a story. It was supposed to play a much bigger role in Conny’s post-“Another World” life, […]
Useful Knowledge
Friday 13th
Conny Van Ehlsing, Easter Egg Hunter
The Resolution to the Confrontation with the Man in the House that Nobody Looks at
And this concludes our tale! Read it from the beginning here! The man will be back – Conny isn’t half through pestering him! (Or at least that’s the plan at the moment.
The Confrontation with the Man in the House That Nobody Looks at
I think this is the first time in Conny Van Ehlsing, Monster Hunter that the kids are the monsters. It’s a line I hesitated to cross, but it was necessary for this story. (Well, escept for Gaijin who can be a real pest sometimes. And Mina and some of the other ghosts who aren’t monsters, […]
The Man in the House That Nobody Looks at
Just yesterday I wrote about failing the reverse Bechdel test with Conny Van Ehlsing. And already, there’s another dialogue between male characters that’s not about girls. Although none of them has a name yet, and I wouldn’t call it a “conversation” in the strictest sense …
The House That Nobody Looks at
High time to get started on a new storyline! (And, as it turns out, I’m already two hours behind on this one. Oh well.) Anyway, enjoy The House That Nobody Looks at (except you, now)!