When I drew this cartoon, two years ago, it was just a harmless joke about birds. Little did I know that by now, the mere notion of contributing to a greater good – be it science or public health – would be politicized.
Safe Distance
I can’t believe I never published this cartoon before! Well, not online. I wanted to retweet it for election night, and there it wasn’t! So, how are your feelings about this election? Any travel plans yet?
Time for something light and silly! I drew this cartoon some time last year, during the same holiday that I came up with the sheep one. Somehow I was drawn towards animal subjects that holiday. Maybe it was because of all the cows there.
An Opening
The current narrative seems to be that we’re all totally fed up with the lockdown and we need to get back to normal – not all at once, step by measured step, but now. please! Also, obviously, the economy. And the Bundesliga.
Sometimes I draw things not to make a point or because it’s new and exciting, but simply to amuse myself. This is one of them.
It’s all in the balance
You know, I don’t usually chime in on current political issues, especially far-away political issues, at least not with cartoons as direct as this one. But sometimes I get angry. This is me, venting.
Comic Conned
Protected II
I usually don’t make cartoons about topics that aren’t so topical on my home turf because I don’t want to intrude on debates held elsewhere. Especially when it’s a topic where Europe or Germany is ahead of the people debating it. That would just be smug, wouldn’t it? But I think this cartoon is broad […]
Not Tonight
I know today’s not a Conny day (“not tonight”, get it?`Get it?), but it was either this or wait for a whole year to post it next Halloween. I’m not that patient..
Birthday Guest: Rautie
Rautie is the artist behind several German comic strips and comics, all of which are very funny and off-beat. Willy the Kid has been running in the Hanauer Anzeiger since they invented the printing press and has been collected into an album last year. So have Familie Rappelrübe from the Rappelpost, Coco Fisch and Fitzgerald, […]