Ah. l’esprit d’escalier… Yesterday, after my last post as a Comixtalk guest blogger, I considered an additional farewell post, but I couldn’t think of a topic that would make it interesting to Comixtalk readers (as opposed to, y’know, Vaehling readers). After a good night’s sleep, it seems obvious. Remember what I said when I announced […]
So, Where’s the Wonder (Exactly)?
ETA 2018: Project Wonderful canceled my ad box a while back because they thought it didn’t make me enough money. I always meant to get back into the game but as it turns out, they’re canceling all other ad boxes in August anyway. So consider this post a general write-up for potentially long-tail firendly ad […]
Pricing: The Inevitable Question
You may have heard about the quarrel between bookseller Amazon and publisher Macmillan. In a nutshell, Macmillan wanted to sell their eBooks at whatever price they felt was best while Amazon insisted on keeping all eBooks below $9.99. Since Amazon is That Big Market and their Kindle is pretty much the major game in town […]
Sample Scripts: Why I haven’t posted any yet (except now)
One thing I’ve always enjoyed on other people’s sites is the possibility to download and read scripts. It helps a lot when you’re preparing to write your own, and it’s still fun when you’re used to writing your own. Always keen on being helpful, I’ve started posting some scripts of mine over at my German […]
Lessons from Dollhouse
I’m sure you heard about FOX sacking DOLLHOUSE, Joss Whedon’s current show featuring Eliza Dushku? They won’t get a third season, for the usual reasons – not enough viewers by Fox standards. If you know me, you know how much of a Joss Whedon fan I am. So, bummer. But I’m not just writing as […]
Counting my Pages
Right now, I should be thinking about the next Conny Van Ehlsing storyline – the plot idea I had fell apart when I tried to fixate it in writing -, but instead I find myself moving vector blocks around a layout file to simulate the book version. All in all, Vol. 2 will probably be […]
More thoughts about formats
So, once I’ve settled on publishing vol. 1 in one, er, volume, and keeping the smaller units electronic, there isn’t really any point in keeping them at 32 pages, is there? Personally, I like my screen reads short. That’s how I came up with split downloads in the first place. And if you look around, […]
Hit Programming: Assumed Audience Approval
Recently on the Whitechapel forum, somebody posted a link to America’s ‘most unwanted song’ that got me thinking (and ranting, on Twitter – if this seems familiar to you, that may be why). This weird yet strangely compelling composition was based on a survey asking people what they really wouldn’t want to hear in a […]
Buffer off
There’s been a lot of talk in the forums recently about how far ahead of your comic’s updating schedule you should be, and if you should bother at all. There seem to be two schools of thought about this issue, the pro side claiming professionality always shows in time, while the con side is more […]
Rethinking, Resizing
Now I’m thinking of aiming straight for the trade nonetheless: Release a trade of Vol. 1, the way I did in Germany, then continue with “floppies” of Vol. 2. Use both to interest publishers in a Vol. 2 trade.