Right now, I should be thinking about the next Conny Van Ehlsing storyline – the plot idea I had fell apart when I tried to fixate it in writing -, but instead I find myself moving vector blocks around a layout file to simulate the book version. All in all, Vol. 2 will probably be […]
Author: vaehling
More thoughts about formats
So, once I’ve settled on publishing vol. 1 in one, er, volume, and keeping the smaller units electronic, there isn’t really any point in keeping them at 32 pages, is there? Personally, I like my screen reads short. That’s how I came up with split downloads in the first place. And if you look around, […]
Hit Programming: Assumed Audience Approval
Recently on the Whitechapel forum, somebody posted a link to America’s ‘most unwanted song’ that got me thinking (and ranting, on Twitter – if this seems familiar to you, that may be why). This weird yet strangely compelling composition was based on a survey asking people what they really wouldn’t want to hear in a […]
Buffer off
There’s been a lot of talk in the forums recently about how far ahead of your comic’s updating schedule you should be, and if you should bother at all. There seem to be two schools of thought about this issue, the pro side claiming professionality always shows in time, while the con side is more […]
Rethinking, Resizing
Now I’m thinking of aiming straight for the trade nonetheless: Release a trade of Vol. 1, the way I did in Germany, then continue with “floppies” of Vol. 2. Use both to interest publishers in a Vol. 2 trade.
You Can’t Turn the Page while you’re Hanging from a Cliff
If I had edited the current story the way I showed you in the previous post, this week’s page would have to be different, too. If you haven’t yet, take your time to read the first three pages according to the original script, then come back here and continue reading. (Of course, these are very […]
The Undeleted Scene
Here’s one for the book extras, once I’m past the vol. 1 books and into vol. 2: The opening sequence of HOUSEWARNING, the way I originally wrote it. The reason I added that extra scene on p.2 was, I felt I owed it to the readers to show the house since that’s what the plot […]
What’s a good synopsis?
Jay of webcomicscollage.com (a webcomics listing site that since seems to have morphed into a webcomics site in its own right) has written in three times already asking about a synopsis for my collage entry. And he’s right, I really need to get down and do it, not just for the collage, but for the […]
The Original Soundtrack
A while ago, there was an interesting thread on the apparently short-lived Webcomics.com forum. The initial question was: “If your webcomic had a theme song, who would play it?” Questions like this don’t seem to concern a webcomic very much at first glance, but thinking about these things is a useful exercise. It helps you […]
Spelling it out
I’m not a native English speaker. Most of Vol. 1 has been written in German and translated into English as a second step. Since texting is about the last thing I do when I produce a comic (right before lettering, obviously), some pages were translated as late as the day before they went online. Which […]